Whiz Pages

Wednesday 17 July 2013



The wait is over!!! Yee!
I'm not gone front though, this is an album you
have to be in the mood for and seriously let sink in.
The production from DJ Fresh is typical Fresh, but he
mellowed it down and the 80's sampled cuts are
dominating the entire two-disc album. One track that
stand out on the first album though is the
flyer than fly "Bomb". Damn yo, that track is fuckin
bananas and screams out westsiiiiide! Love it!
But i'm sidetracking. The main feel of this album
is kind of out there. It's nothing like previous albs
really and this is something you have to
get used to. Same goes for J. Stalin's damn unique 
flow and style. But combine the two and submerge
yourself, and you're in for a treat. I decided to buy
the deluxe edition, because it's pretty hard to
choose between Miracle or Nightmare, which one
tops the other. It's like picking your favourite
disc from All Eyez On Me...I mean c'mon son!
There's a more mellow vibe going on with the
first disc, Miracle, whereas Nightmare has some
more uptempo and grittier tracks going on.
Speaking of the second disc, "Fuck You pt. 2"
is the shit! That and the title track are some of
my favs of the second disc. But like i said it's hard
to choose a favourite so i'm really both as one
double-disc album. And once you've given this
it's proper spins, you know what's up. Stalin fans,
you know what's good...and this is really really good!
Go cop that shit and be blessed to own and listen to
something truly unique and 'fresh'! Ha! Go get it!
Overall Score: 9.5/10

Here's a good example of what to expect:

And more Stalin for y'all with this tight compilation
featuring some of the Bay's finest!
J. STALIN presents

These days i'm not too much a fan anymore of compilations
like this. I want full-on retail albs of my favourite artists
(and no fuckin mixtapes yo!). With that said, this is a
pretty tight one that has some real tight tracks on it.
The production is solid front to back and all features
provide a little something something to the alb.
Just bump "bottott" with Beeda Weeda and you know
shit's knockin. If you a fan, you'd cop this too, i did!
Overall Score: 8.5/10

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